Local flowers are not your average grocery store flowers

Our farm is designed so that we can invite you to see the flowers growing, the same flowers that are picked for bouquets. You are able to see the butterflies fluttering by and smell the fragrance of thousands of flowers. You’ll see how these flowers become part of the ecosystem of our farm.

Our flowers are grown near you, not across the world and flown in on cargo planes. Our flowers are freshly picked and weren’t stored in cooled shipping containers while waiting to be delivered to a warehouse. Our flowers are wrapped in string or newspaper where possible, not cellophane, a single use plastic.

Our farm, growing space, and electric car are powered by solar panels. We do not needlessly use pesticides, herbicides, or fertilizer without first trying other natural techniques. We till the soil only as much as needed in order to get our machines and plows through the hard packed, clay-based soil. We perform crop rotation, especially with our tulips, to minimize pest and fungal problems.

Our land has been used by university students to conduct research on turtle and bat habitats. We regularly see a diverse number of birds and insects around the property.

Local flowers mean that people in your community benefit from your purchase. Your local neighbours are working at our fields. Your local environment gets a boost from all of the pollinators and careful farming practices. Local flowers last longer in your home because they are freshly picked for you.

Items we collect and reuse

Please contact us to arrange drop-off

  • Cylindrical vases, particularly ones purchased from us.
  • Newspapers. Full sized like the Ottawa Citizen, not flyers. (Paused as we have an abundance!)
  • Pasta jars. Large mason jar sized. (Paused as we have an abundance!)